  • Year 1 98.2%
  • Year 2 95%
  • Year 3 98.2%
  • Year 4 97.3%
  • Year 5 98.2%
  • Year 6 96.5%
  • Class 7 94.5%
Whole School Att Value
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Phoenix Primary School ‘Where We Rise to the Challenge’

Over to you parents

Some of our parents came into school to attend a science work shop to discover and investigate ways to help their children with science at home.


What did they say? Did the session help them? What else would they like to have information and advice about?... Read on and find out!


(Comments taken from parent evaluations.)




 noAll attendees said that the workshop provided what they thought it would provide for them.


no All attendees said that they will use the information and resources they have seen and been given at the workshop.


no All attendees said that they are more likely to talk with and discuss with their children the science they have done in school.


noComments include:


smiley   " I think that my daughter will learn in school because i see that you know how to do science so wonderful." (EAL parent of a year 2 child).



smiley  "It was lovely and very enjoyable." (Parent of a year 1 child).


smiley  " Everything was useful." (Parent of a year 2 child).


smiley  " All the information was very interesting and I know I will use it all. I think it was tailored perfectly." (Parent of a child in class 7).


smiley "Good. I enjoyed the vinegar and bicarbonate investigation." (Parent of a year 3 child).


smiley" It was above expectations." (Parent of a year 6 child).


smiley" Keeps the children's enthusiasm up about natural, plants/animals."). (Parent of a year 6 child).


smiley"Very helpful."  (Parent of a year 4 child).


smiley" Really informative workshop-helpful information for us to support the children. Thanks!" (Parent of  children in year 3 and 5.")


smiley"I am really happy with the help of Mrs Evans." (Parent of year 3 child).


smiley" Very interesting. If my grandchild needs any help I will try to help. I will ask if she wants to find more things out." (Grandad  of a year 6 child).






