  • Year 1 98.2%
  • Year 2 95%
  • Year 3 98.2%
  • Year 4 97.3%
  • Year 5 98.2%
  • Year 6 96.5%
  • Class 7 94.5%
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Phoenix Primary School ‘Where We Rise to the Challenge’

Children's Work

In May we found out which foods were healthy in PSHE, then we had a go at some healthy cooking. We loved trying new foods and were surprised by a few!

May 2022: We're learning about plants with Mrs. Barr in Science this term.

March 2022 We loved this sensory Tuff tray activity that helped us to think about the impact of tools on farming in the Iron age.

As part of our Thematic work on the Iron Ages we learnt about roundhouses and then tried to make our own.

11th Feb 2022 We had a visitor this week. Miss Furnivall loved seeing how we learn and at the end of the week she did a special Colourful Semantics Minions themed lesson.

February 2022 This week's DT challenge was to investigate whether we can build a house out of bread. Our conclusion was that you can, but it isn't the best building material.

In January 2022 we have asked the question "What is DT?" we found out that it involves making things, breaking them then making them better. We had a try with our models.

January 2022 In Maths we are looking at 2-digit numbers and understanding what each digit represents.

January 2022 We have turned our outdoor role play area into a stone age dwelling.

In PSHE we have been learning how important it is to get a good night's sleep. The children loved this interactive story about a reindeer called Dancer who needed to get a good night's sleep before Christmas eve.

18.11.21 We have been learning about money for the last two weeks. One important lesson has been learning the difference between pounds and pence (we have also learnt that dollars are American and we don't use them in the UK)

2.11.21 As part of our week of climate action learning we have learnt about a polar bear called Winston. His ice is melting and he needs our help! We made our own ice bergs and explored ways to melt the ice. It helped us to understand Winston.

22.10.21 We had a lot of fun making a rainforest cake to help us to celebrate the end of term.

This term we have been talking about the different feelings we have and the way they show in our faces.

Monday 13th September 2021 This week we are learning about the Rainforest so we made a tiny rainforest in a tray.

Friday 10th September: This week we have been looking at Rosh Hashana so we made some special honey biscuits to celebrate. We all thought they were delicious!

8th September 2021. We are looking at the way Liverpool changes through the year. We built our own model of Liverpool then made the sun shine, the wind blow, the rain fall and the leaves fall off the trees. Finally we made it snow.

We are lucky enough to have our own outdoor space just for Class 7B this year so we have been making the most of it with some outdoor maths.

We found our very own wonder garden on the school playground. Exploring it helped us to understand more about our class text.

Calendar Dates

  • There are no events for the next 10 weeks.