- Year 1 98.2%
- Year 2 95%
- Year 3 98.2%
- Year 4 97.3%
- Year 5 98.2%
- Year 6 96.5%
- Class 7 94.5%
A few ways you can support your child at home:
1. Read with your child everyday and ask them questions about what you have read together.
2. Ask your child about their day and spend a few minutes discussing what was their favourite part and why. Was their a part of their day, they found tricky? If so, why?
3. Ensure you read and respond to letters in bag so you are aware of all the exciting things happening in school.
Supporting your child at home will enhance their learning at school and their mental health and well being. We appreciate your continued support.
Please ensure you are signed up to our class dojo for regular updates about what your child is doing and learning. If you need your log in details or help downloading the app, please let me know.
We do 'Talk 4 writing' daily and used a text based approach in our English lessons in addition to Read Write Inc and Reading Mastery. The following websites will further support your child in their reading and writing.
http://www.bbc.co.uk.>Schools Home>Primary- Ages 4-11
www.bbc.co.uk>Schools Home
We have 3 basic skills lessons a week in addition to our daily maths lesson which is when we try to consolidate the foundation of our learning. The following websites have a selection of games to assist your children in their learning.
Times Table Rock stars
Maths Zone- www.mathszone.co.uk
Ask you child to read our text map to you and show you our Kung Fu punctuation. This will help when your child with their writing.