- Year 1 98.2%
- Year 2 95%
- Year 3 98.2%
- Year 4 97.3%
- Year 5 98.2%
- Year 6 96.5%
- Class 7 94.5%
Dear Parents and Carers
Please find below a copy of the Early Years Curriculum for 2020/2021. This gives a broad overview of the areas of learning we will be covering this academic year. We will also follow the children's interests throughout the year so this may be subject to change.
Due to COVID19 restrictions, Parents lunch, stay and plays, Parents evening and our morning open door policy will be reviewed and alternative methods of engagement put in place. We have introduced 'Mouse Club' and will send activities home for you to do with your children.
Tapestry is an online learning journey for your children, we will upload information about daily activities, special events and your child's learning on here. Please follow us on Twitter too @fsphoenix2.
With thanks
The Foundation Stage Team.