- Year 1 98.2%
- Year 2 95%
- Year 3 98.2%
- Year 4 97.3%
- Year 5 98.2%
- Year 6 96.5%
- Class 7 94.5%
Welcome to science at Phoenix Primary.
Hello and welcome to the science section of the school’s website.
My name is Mrs Sue Evans and I have been at Phoenix for over three decades! I have been science lead at Phoenix for six years. My favourite science subject is biology and my favourite investigation is the “great Phoenix poo experiment!” I work in different year groups and enjoy teaching science to all age groups.
I am responsible for the science teaching and learning at Phoenix. I write the science policy, collect assessment data, meet with parents and children, deliver staff training sessions, manage the science budget and resources, workshops for parents and arrange and organise our famous “Phoenix science weeks and co-organise our STEAM weeks”
Our philosophy for science at Phoenix is to create a “CAN DO” attitude. We want our children to be pro-active with their science at home and believe that with hard work and support they can study science at the top universities and go onto have careers in many of the science professions. Our science week 2018 was called “From class to career” which illustrated that most carers have some science aspect to them. Look at the photographs on the website.
Our school biodome provides opportunities for children and staff to take science outdoors. A lot of science teaching goes on in the biodome and we regularly produce food for the school kitchen or to sell at our Christmas and summer fayres.
How is science taught at Phoenix?
The school follows the National Curriculum topics throughout the year groups. In the foundation stage there is emphasis on the science element of the Understanding the World area. I regularly spend time in the foundation stage where working scientifically is at its best.
The school has adopted a “Fill the Gap” curriculum. This ensures that our children avoid the gaps that are present in the topics covered. These stand alone lessons are completed every half term and have a focus on science vocabulary. Each class teacher plans for at least one practical investigation every half term with mini-investigations throughout the topic.
Classes display a science wall. This is made up of vocabulary cards for the topic that half term, working scientifically vocabulary and a misconception board. The misconception board allows children to talk freely about their science knowledge and address any misconceptions the children may have about the subject. They address the misconception at the end of the topic and correct any mistakes.
Science is great fun at Phoenix. If you have any questions or queries about science at Phoenix, please don’t hesitate to ask.
I can be contacted via the school office or email me-(details below) Science is very active on Twitter. why not follow us @phoenix_science
Yours in science,
Mrs Sue Evans.
Coronavirus and Science at Phoenix.
Dear Parents and Carers,
As you will be only too aware, our children have missed some science topics due to lockdowns, quarantining and isolation. At Phoenix we work hard to make "science rock" for our children and want our children to have an "I can do" attitude to the subject. To help you as parents and carers I am putting some knowledge sheets on our website to help with your child's understanding of topics they have missed due to lockdowns. These are resources that can be used to recap and consolidate science learning. I am a fan of BBC Bitesize as they organise science subjects so they match up with National Curriculum.
Details are as follows:
1. On your search engine type in BBCBitesize home page.
2. Go to KS1 if your child is in FS, Class 7c, year one or year 2.
3. Go to KS2 if your child is in Class 7 a or b, year 3, 4, 5 or 6.
4. You will be directed to a KS1 or KS2 "subjects" page. Move down the subject list until you get to science.
5. The video clips and activities are displayed for you to use.
6. Normally there is a quiz after you have watched the video clip.
Please let me know via Twitter if you have used any of these and have enjoyed them or found useful
Year 1 knowledge sheets.
The children at Phoenix knew about microbes before we even heard of the coronavirus. In the autumn term of 2019 Sue Evans was trained to teach the Public Health England initiative called "E-bug." This is a project which can be taught to all years and aims to raise awareness of hand and respiratory hygiene, vaccines and antibiotic over use. At Phoenix we thought that this was such an important thing to do we came of time table and the whole school were taught "E-bug." Staff were thrilled with results and reported hearing children singing "Happy Birthday" while washing their hands. Our deputy who is in charge of attendance noted that our attendance statistics showed we had fewer absences. It appeared that children were getting fewer sickness and diarrhoea bugs. This made us re-look at our science curriculum for 2020-21 and we started it off by all the school doing E-bug with a specific emphasis on hand and respiratory hygiene. Below are some photographs of both E-bug topics.
We made our playdough microbes! ( Because we're super scientists we used microbes, not germs)
Children made microbes hats.Posters to display in school.We know we need to spread the word not the virus!Measuring how far Shrek's snot travels!Recording our results and gathering data.Reception and the Shrek investigation.
What are we learning in science?
*Science is taught every week making up 2 hours per week.
*The science lead covers some science during PPA time.
* Class 7a follows the Equals curriculum, Class 7b follows the EQUALS curriculum and FS curriculum. Class 7a follows national curriculum, year 4 learning objectives.
At the end of every term teachers are asked to choose a child from their class who is to be awarded the title of "Scientist of the term."
Children can be chosen for the following reasons:
Working hard in class and making a great contribution to science lessons.
Showing expertise in working scientifically.
Carrying out a piece of scientific research at home.
Showing an interest in science and sharing their enthusiasm with staff and peers.
Winners are presented with a present and a certificate to recognise their achievements and presented with their award from people like our ex MP Luciana Berger, Deputy heads of local schools and school governors.
December 2020.
An example of one of our "Scientists of the term."
Well done Shaye for winning scientist of the term for year 4.
Mrs Irwin who teaches science in year 4 says that Shaye is "enthusiastic and curious in her science lessons and deserves the prize." Mrs Evans-(science lead) said that " Shaye has always been interested in science and does her best all the time. I remember after I had taught her "rocks" in year 3 she would regularly bring some in and leave them on my table and she played Mary Anning very well and got to use some real fossil hunting tools." What a star. Well done Shaye.
What is STEM and STEAM?
Monday 24th June to Thursday 27th June and Tuesday 2nd July to Thursday 4th July 2019 Phoenix "STEAMED" ahead with activities based on science, technology, engineering, art and maths! Every class learnt about an artist and carried out activities and investigations set around the artist and did it in a cross curricular way! We were all very excited about it, especially as year1 as they were studying the artist George Stubbs and had a visit from a vet called Hannah who specialised in treating large mammals and knew a lot about horses! that day we found out that we have future vets in our school. Below is some information on what we did during STEAM WEEK.
These are just a few of the activities taking place during STEAM week... look out for our tweets and photos on the web site.
EYFS-Henri Matisse- The FS explored art through shape. They designed and evaluated pieces of work through the topic of transport. In science, reception designed and made straw airplanes and had a contest to see which plane travelled the furthest. Nursery created some chemical reactions to inflate balloons and made rockets fly into the air.
Year 1-George Stubbs. Technology sessions with MGL, 3D painted, VR and augmented reality. They designed and built a large 3D dog and lit it up. For maths, year 1 looked at horse racing to work out odds, ages and weights. In science they went on an animals paw print hunt and had a senses quiz. We were delighted to be able to welcome a visit from a vet to talk to year 1 about animals. perhaps we will discover some future vets!
Year 2 and class 7.-Heston Blumenthal. Year 2 and class 7 looked at changing materials. What happend when they mixed baking soda with oranges? Could we make our own butter? What happend when we put skittles in water? Could we make rain through shaving foam clouds? They researched and made recipes: art sundaes! In maths, they weighed and measured quantities.
KS2 explored scientists and researched their contribution to the STEAM WORLD.
Year 6 were lucky enough to meet Hannah the vet that came to talk to us about her job. She inspired a lot of the children and encouraged the children to think about becoming a vet.
Easter activities.
I've searched for some events in the north west that offer Easter science activities. Please contact the event for further information. Please note that I have had no experience of these events prior to them being held.
Sue Evans-science lead at Phoenix.
8th April-22nd April 2019.
Science show: Jodrell Bank Discovery Centre: Monday 8th-Monday 22nd April, 11am, 12, 2:30pm(Mondays-Saturdays).
Explores why things burn, float or are magnetic. These sessions are aimed at sparking children's curiosity and celebrating the 150th anniversary of the Periodic Table.
Aimed at adults and children aged 7+
CONTACT: Jodrell bank discovery centre, The university of Manchester, Macclesfield, Cheshire. SK11-9DW.
TEL: 01477 571 766
General Easter activities.
Please check out the fabulous, egg-cellent, egg-citing and egg-hilarating Easter science activities from the STEM website. www.stem.org.uk
* Look on the school website in the science section for more science websites...PLEASE REMEMBER E-SAFETY.
Throughout Easter. (Ends 6th May 2019).
"Jawsome sharks." SEA LIFE, Manchester. Help Professor Finn find the missing shark teeth, discover jawsome shark species and more! For information ring 0871 221 2483-(booking on line can save you 25%).
website: sealife.com/Manchester.
17th April 2019.
Easter egg hunt at Wheatacre Wood, Warrington. WA5-4HP.
A spring Easter hunt. Make nests from natural materials and have a chance to look at eggs and old rejected nests. Play in the woods and view the spring flowers. A family event for children from toddlers to 7 ish.
For more information please search Wheatacre Wood.
If you have any comments or questions about this web page or science at Phoenix please drop me an email and help keep science rocking!