  • Year 1 98.2%
  • Year 2 95%
  • Year 3 98.2%
  • Year 4 97.3%
  • Year 5 98.2%
  • Year 6 96.5%
  • Class 7 94.5%
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Home Page

Phoenix Primary School ‘Where We Rise to the Challenge’

Year 4

Year 4 2016-2017

Welcome to the class page for the creative and talented Year 4.

Please check for updates from Miss Mitchell and Miss Hayes.

Summer 2

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Welcome to Summer term 2. We hope you had a lovely break and you are ready for the last half term of year 4!



English will be taught by Mrs Irwin during Summer term 2. This is to ensure a smooth transition from Year 4 into Year 5. The children will be looking at a wide range of play scripts which will involve drama, fantastic opportunities to develop vocabulary and writing styles and lots of fun!

Please continue to listen to your child read every night. Remember to write pages read in their Reading Journal.



In Mathematics, we will be revisiting previous learning including addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We will explore strategies required to reason their work and to estimate and check answers. Please continue to help your child learn their times tables. Times table facts are often a problem for children so any practice is extremely valuable.



This half term, we will be continuing with our theme entitled ‘Around the World’. This will involve locating the countries of the world, concentrating on their environmental regions, key physical and human characteristics and of course trying some delicious food.



In Science, we will be learning all about electricity. We will be constructing a simple series electrical circuit, recognising some common conductors and insulators and doing lots of investigating. Children will learn how to represent a simple circuit in a diagram using recognised symbols. We will be working scientifically to identify the effect of changing one component at a time in a circuit as well as designing and making our set of traffic lights.


Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Mitchell, Miss Hayes and Mrs Azmy

Our Roman mosaics

Roald Dahl Day

Year 4 using cuisenaire rods in our maths!

Musicians in the making!

Dear Parents/ Carers,


Welcome to Autumn Term 1 in Year 4. I hope you had a lovely summer. My name is Miss Mitchell and along with Miss Hayes, we will be the class teachers who will be working with your children this year. If you have any concerns or need to inform us of anything, please do not hesitate to speak to either of us.


I will be sending the children home with Dojo codes so you can sign up to monitor how your child behaves in the classroom, send messages to myself to pass on information or raise any concerns. It is just a case of downloading a free app to your smart phone, tablet or visiting the website and entering your code. If any help is needed, do not hesitate to ask me.


Your child is expected to read every evening. Please write in your child’s reading record so we are aware when your child has finished a book and can change it. They will receive Maths and English homework on Thursdays which will need to be the following Tuesday.

On Fridays, Year 4 will be taught by Mrs Jones and will focus on PSHE and basic skills to help secure the foundations of their English and Maths knowledge.


We will be starting year 4 with our theme entitled ‘Magnificent Mexico.’ We will be learning about the location of Mexico, its key cities and differences in its physical geography while also studying the people of Mexico and differences in their culture.  This involves looking at food, schooling, lifestyle, art and religion.  The history of Mexico will also be investigated, alongside the art of the country and religion.


In our English lessons we will be studying Stories from other cultures. We will be looking at stories set in North and Central America such as ‘Buffalo Nation’ and ‘Day of the Dead’, which links in with our Mexico theme. Following this, we will be looking at Newspapers and creating our own which we look forward to reading to you. Also in our English work we will be covering a number of different sentence types and spelling rules.


In our Science this half term we will be covering the topic ‘States of Matter.’ We will be looking at the particle make up of solids, liquids and gases. The focus material of our investigations will be water, looking at the water cycle and the changes that occur to water as it moves through the three states of matter.

RE this term will be focusing on prayer and the importance of prayer in different religions.

 In our computing lessons this term the children will be learning to create simple programs and using the Internet to research and display work.

If you do have any further questions about the curriculum your child will be studying this term don’t hesitate to ask.

 There will be a further letter detailing when your child will bring reading books and homework home.


Thank you for your support,

Miss Mitchell and Miss Hayes


Calendar Dates

  • There are no events for the next 10 weeks.