- Year 1 98.2%
- Year 2 95%
- Year 3 98.2%
- Year 4 97.3%
- Year 5 98.2%
- Year 6 96.5%
- Class 7 94.5%
E-bug and Phoenix.
E-bug is a Public Health England initiative. Sue Evans attended training in 2019 and was so impressed with it that after discussion with the head it was decided to adopt the topic and teach it a long with the national curriculum.
The programme is taught to FS, KS1 and KS2 and is aimed at raising aware of hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene and antibiotic over use. It involves investigations, activities and research. as such it has its own set of vocabulary.
FS and KS 1.
microbes hand washing cough
bacteria soap sore throat
virus water elbow
fungi hand gel paracetemol
cold anti-bac
flu hand sanitiser
disease snot/germs
infection tissue
hygiene sneeze
Learn the vocab and get ahead!
Dear Parents and Carers,
By spending time with your children, talking and learning spellings and meanings you will help them to get ahead of the topic and give them a great start to their science work. Understanding, using, spelling and being able to explain these words correctly IS VERY IMPORTANT!
Every class has a science wall in class and a very important aspect of these are our science vocabulary cards. As part of the new topic, first lesson children discuss the topic vocab and write their own as long as illustrating them to help with continuation and retention. They are displayed on the board for the rest of the topic and placed in the science floor book -(SFB) for future reference and use. Children also have access to topic word maps in the SFB
At Phoenix we make science rock. We learn our "SCIENCE POWER WORDS" and become "POWERFUL SCIENTISTS!"
For topics being taught in your child's class please see the section at the beginning of the science website. If you would like any help or advice about science vocabulary please don't hesitate to contact me via the school office.
Additional information about vocabulary can be found in the teachers news letters that are sent out regularly throughout the year.
Vocabulary for topics in science- (these lists are not exclusive: can you add any?)
Year 1.
Seasonal changes: (Only taught in year 1)
Seasons autumn winter spring summer daylight day night length of day
sun sun-safety dark light weather temperature warm cold frost snow ice frozen
dry wet rain wind showers sleet hot sunny heat sun burn protection shade skin
puddles drizzle mist fog leaf/leaves brown golden yellow red evergreen treeplant deciduous tree/plant
plant flower spring flowers daffodil tulip snowdrop crocus primrose rose poinsettia holly ivy
Year 1: Plants.
Plant flower tree bush common/garden/wild flowers common/garden/wild plants vegetables evergreen/deciduous trees structure environment grow/growth habitat leaf/leaves blossom petal fruit roots bulb seed trunk branch stem water sunlight air soil compost nutrients.
Year 1: Animals including humans.
Animals humans fish amphibians reptiles birds mammals carnivore herbivore omnivore environment structure common animals pets dog cat horse cow-( the list goes on!) hair head face ears nose eyes mouth lips teeth arms elbows neck shoulders body hands wrist legs knee feet toes-(basic parts of the human body) senses smell sight touch hearing
Year 1: Everyday materials.
object material made from/used for wood plastic glass metal water rock brick stone foil cotton paper fabric elastic -(as many as you can think of) physical properties group together compare describe hard/soft stretchy/stiff
shiny/dull rough/smooth bendy/not bendy waterproof/not waterproof absorbent/not absorbent
Year 2.
Year 2: Living things and their habitats.
living dead never been alive life processes healthy habitats environment/local environment basic needs depend names of plants and animals-(as many as you can think of) microhabitats grass water survive air security food shelter urban food chain sources of food characteristics urban habitat rural habitat artic habitat pond habitat forest/wood habitat stones soil logs wood leaves litter pollution
Year 2-Plants.
Observe describe record seed/s bulb/s plants tree bush growth germinate healthy survive survival water air sun energy temperature soil compost nutrients food roots stem trunk flower petal leaf/leaves local environment seasons year weather reproduction
Year 2-Animals, including humans.
animals humans offspring grow/growth young babies /baby toddler child teenager adult egg chick chicken egg caterpillar pupa butterfly spawn tadpole frog lamb sheep puppy dog etc etc basic needs survival water air food exercise health/healthy hygiene nutrition fruit and vegetables-(as many as possible).
Year 2-Uses of everyday materials.
material compare identify/name suitable/suitability uses wood metal plastic glass brick rock paper cardboard-( as many as you can think of. Great for doing when you're walking). shapes solid rough smooth bendy stretch clear see-through hard soft opaque -(introduce as many properties of material as you can) change/changing squash bend twist stretching
* Remember that children need to know the difference between a material and the object that is made from it. For example fabric may be the material but the object could be a cardigan. Also please help your child understand that one material can be used to make more than one object.
Lower Key stage 2.
Year 3- Lower Key Stage 2: Plants.
identify describe function roots stem/trunk leaf/leaves flower/s requirements growth/survival air light water/water transportation nutrients food energy room to grow temperature environment life cycle flowering plant pollination seed formation seed dispersal
Year 3- Animals, including humans.
nutrition making own food not making own food eat/eating skeletons muscles support
protection support movement skull jaw ribs/ribcage ulna radius tibia fibia contract relax
bend twist pull push exercise running walking food groups-fats sugars proteins carbohydrates vitamins minerals
Year 3-Rocks.
rocks soil grouping sorting classifying properties fossils organic matter igneous metamorphic sedimentary grains crystals living dead
Name as many rocks and soils as you can- simple research will tell you what rock group they belong to.
Year 3- Light.
light see dark vision reflection surfaces reflective surface sun/sun power danger protect/protection
eyes skin shade midday shadows light source blocked solid patterns in shadows time of day lengths longer/shorter night/day mirror distance from light source
Never ever look directly at the sun, even with sunglasses on.
Keep in the shade where possible and remember "Slip, slap, slop" with the sun protection cream.
Year 3-Forces and magnets.
movement surfaces contact magnets forces distance attract repel materials magnetic non-magnetic metal non-metallic magnetic materials-(can you find materials that you can sort into magnetic and non magnetic?) compare group sort classify poles facing and opposite poles Uses for magnets-(for example bar ring button etc. Can you find any more to add to your list?)
Year 4.
Year 4-Living things and their habitats.
Plants flowering/non-flowering plants grasses ferns mosses animals - fish amphibians reptiles birds mammals vertebrates invertebrates snails slugs worms spiders insects living things non-living things dead never have been alive grouping classify/classification local environment -(name as many things as you can in your local environment) changing environments pollution waste dangers to environment yearly and seasonal changes to environments human impact on environment nature reserves ecological plans parks gardens ponds housing developments litter forest/deforestation
Year 4- Animals including humans.
Function digestive system humans mouth tongue teeth oesophagus swallow stomach small intestine large intestine anus rectum waste faeces liver bile water saliva salivary glands vitamins minerals names of teeth- (canines incisors molars pre-molars baby or milk teeth wisdom teeth) grind tear rip chew food chain producers predators prey
carnivores herbivores omnivores damages to teeth decay toothpaste toothbrush gums gum disease sugar teeth health/hygiene
Year 4- States of matter.
materials group sort classify observe compare solids liquids gases- (can you name as many of these as possible?) change/changing states heated melting cooled temperature degrees Celsius (0C) evaporation/rates of evaporation condensation/condenses water cycle water
Some useful statements:
Solids hold their shape
Liquids form a pool, not a pile
Gasses escape from an unsealed container
Water can be a solid, liquid and a gas.
Year 4-Sound.
sounds vibrating/vibration ear sounds travelling medium hearing pitch high low volume vibration strength sound source distance earmuffs insulation of sound sound waves
Explore sounds and pitch by making sounds with different materials and instruments.
Which is the best sound insulator- earmuffs or placing your hands over your ears?
Year 4-Electricity.
Electricity electrical appliance electric circuit cells wires bulbs switches buzzers
lamp loop light dark battery switch/open switch close conductors insulators metals
plastics current voltage safety precaution/s
Year 5- Upper Key stage 2: Living things and their habitats.
life cycles mammals amphibian insect bird grow/growth reproduction : sexual and asexual local environment seasonal changes animal behaviour naturalists David Attenborough Jane Goodall rainforests oceans/seas deserts prehistoric seeds stem roots/root cuttings tubers bulb/s
Year 5-Animals including humans.
humans/human changes age/old age young timeline of growth growth development puberty gestation mass of babies research report recording
Year 5- Properties and changes of materials.
compare group together properties hardness solubility transparency conductivity /electric and thermal magnet dissolving solids liquids gasses solution separate mixing/mixture reversible filter/filtering sieve/sieving evaporation/evaporate uses of everyday materials
Can you think of any hanging of materials that result in new materials being made? These are often irreversible.
Do some research on scientists who have worked on materials: Spencer Silver, who invented the glue for sticky notes or Ruth Benerito, who invented wrinkle-free cotton.
Year 5-Earth and space.
Earth movement planet/s Sun solar system Moon spherical bodies Earth's rotation day and night movement across the sky star centre of the solar system Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto dwarf planet celestial body orbit/s geocentric/heliocentric models times of day sundials
Never look at the sun, even when wearing sunglasses.
Do some research on scientists such as Ptolemy, Alhazen and Copernicus.
What was Stonehenge used for? Might it have been used for some sort of astronomical clock?
Our solar system has 8 planets, Pluto was reclassified as a "dwarf planet" in 2006.
Year 5-Forces.
Unsupported objects towards Earth force gravity air air resistance water resistance
friction moving objects surfaces moving surfaces levers pulleys gears springs
Why not look at the work of Galileo Galilei , Isaac Newton and how they worked on the theory of gravity.
Year 6.
Year 6-Living things and their habitats.
living things classified/classification sorting broad groups common observable characteristics
similarities and differences microorganisms plants animals sub-division invertebrates /vertebrates environment habitats
Tips and ideas:
Look at the work of Carl Linnaeus.
Make an imaginary animal suitable for a new environment.
Year 6-Evolution and inheritance.
living things animals plants fossils Earth millions of years ago produce reproduce offspring parents vary/variants identical/non-identical environment suitability adaption
evolution inheritance characteristics survival
Tips and ideas.
Research palaeontologists such as Mary Anning and look at the work of Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace .
What characteristics have you inherited from your parents?
Why can polar bears survive in icy cold water?
Year 6-Light
Look at all the vocabulary list from above.
straight lines travels reflect/reflection eyes reflect light light source shadows
predictions mirrors periscope rainbows soap bubble colours colour filters
Some ideas and suggestions.
Making a periscope at home is a great way to carry out investigations. Research how to make them on science websites, BUT REMEMBER YOUR E-SAFETY!
Can you remember what you learnt in year 3 when you studied light? You will have done a stand alone lesson on light in between year 3 and 6.
If you are interested in the study of light, why not look up some of these scientists who worked on light?
Anders Jonas Angstrom Albert Einstein
Niels Bohr Leonhard Euler
Nicolaus Copernicus Ingrid Daubechies
Year 6-Electricity
Check all other vocabulary on this subject in the previous years.
Brightness/bright lamp volume voltage cell/s circuit variations bulbs loud/loudness
on/off positions switch symbols motors series circuit safety dangers of electricity
List as many objects as you can that use electricity.
Design a poster for younger children to show how to behave around electricity and the dangers of it.