- Year 1 98.2%
- Year 2 95%
- Year 3 98.2%
- Year 4 97.3%
- Year 5 98.2%
- Year 6 96.5%
- Class 7 94.5%
Children should be spending at least 10 minutes each night learning their times tables. Children will learn skills and games to support their learning of the tables in school but home support would be of a great benefit.
Before the Christmas holidays a group of Year 3 children achieved their handwriting certificate in an assembly celebration. They can now write in pen in lessons and are delighted with this opportunity.
It would be wonderful to have even more children in the class achieve this and use pen to write in Year 3. Use the handwriting books and poems given out on parent's evening to ensure your child practices and please support them in their journey of achieving pen:)