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  • Year 2 95%
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Phoenix Primary School ‘Where We Rise to the Challenge’

Year 1

Summer 2


Dear Parents/Carers,


We hope you had a lovely break and you are ready for the final half term of the academic year!




This half term we will be working on improving our mathematical understanding. We plan on deepening our calculation skills by solving a variety of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems. We want to know our number facts quickly and accurately so we hope you can practise these at home regularly with your child.




We will begin by exploring 'Where the Wild Things Are' and developing on understanding of recounts. We have lots of fun activities planned, including creating a new costume for Max. There are lots of writing opportunities during this topic and we can't wait to show off our brilliant work. We will also be looking at poetry later on in the half term.




This half term of thematic topic is 'We Are Britain'. We have lots of interesting activities planned that will stretch out historical and geographical understanding. We will be linking our D&T work with this as we will evaluate and design our own British bunting. We will be sewing our final product together.





We are continuing our topic of 'belonging' and we will look at how different religions follow different rules and what ceremonies they have to celebrate this.




Mrs Evans will continue teaching science, looking at a new exciting topic- Animals and Humans! We also have Science Week, which will be the week beginning 12th June. We are so excited to immerse ourselves in the topic 'Be Food Smart'.


We will also be participating in 'World Wise Week', the week beginning 26th June. Watch this space for all the exciting things we get up to!


Please note that the week beginning 12th June, your child will be undergoing a Phonics Screening Check. We have been working hard reading the tricky alien words. Please keep practising with the materials sent home.


Thank you for your continued support,


Miss Morris, Mrs Bentley and Miss Scully

As our thematic topic is Our Local Area, we decided to explore what Fairfield had to offer. We downloaded a map from Google Earth and followed it carefully to Newsham Park. Once we have discussed the features of the park, we then had some fun in the sun!

We really enjoy meditating using class dojo, it helps us think clearly and positively.

We have followed the instructions to place the shapes carefully.

Ask your child about our latest text map! Can they remember all the actions?

Dear Parents/Carers,


Welcome back! We hope you the break and have had time to recharge your batteries. This half term we have lots of exciting things planned.




We will investigating different 2D and 3D shapes in a variety of contexts. We will also be looking at position and direction and hope to do this through a variety of practical activities. We really enjoy maths, especially when we experience it through real life.




We will be studying a number of texts, first being Handa's Surprise and A Balloon for Grandad. These are lovely stories set in other cultures. We will explore the different settings included in the stories and begin to consider a new setting for our own story. We have been using Talk 4 Writing to support our writing, which we have found to be very helpful! Ask your child all about the latest text map! We will also be studying pattern and rhyme through poetry. We will be using one of Miss Morris's favourite stories- Giraffes Can't Dance. We hope to add in our own verse to the poem.




This half term our topic is 'Our Local Area'. We will be using our geographical knowledge to use and follow maps, to identify different areas using aerial views and also explore our local surroundings by visiting Newsham Park. We will also looking at different homes and building and evaluating some of our own.




This half term we will be discussing the term 'belonging'. We want to find out what this means to us and explore the things that we belong to.




Mrs Evans will continue teaching science, looking at a new exciting topic- Animals and Humans!


Please keep reading with your child each night and signing your child's reading record.




Miss Morris, Mrs Bentley and Miss Scully

Weather Forecasts

Still image for this video
We have been learning about 'Weather' for our theme topic. We learnt about how we predict the weather and created our own weather forecasts.

Creating weather forecasts on the MacBooks.

We have been reading 'Prince Cinders', a tale about a poor Prince who is treated badly by his 3 ugly step brothers. We decided to role play a conversation between the characters, but we thought about how they could be kind to one another. The children thought that maybe the brothers could make Prince Cinders dinner and clean up for him. Here are some pictures of them acting it out.

We have been improving our understanding of money by choosing things from our class 'shop' and finding the correct amount to buy it. We used our knowledge of counting in 2s and 5s to help us choose coins.

At the beginning of the New Year, we discussed New Years Resolutions and how we would like to improve ourselves. To showcase our resolutions, we created Dreamcatchers and attached our resolutions. They are hung up in our classroom to remind us everyday.

Dear Parents/Carers


Welcome back! We hope you had a wonderful break over New Year and that you are ready for 2017 in Year 1!




This term we will be looking closely at Traditional Tales and the story of Prince Cinders! We will be doing lots of different activities to help us unpick the story to then create our own. Keep checking the website for some pictures of our role play.




We will be beginning to look at multiplication and division, particularly with 2s, 5s and 10s. We will be using arrays to help us understand and the term 'repeated addition'. Ask you child what an array city is! We will also be beginning to look at fractions. 




This half terms theme is Weather! We will be looking at what the weather is, how is changes, comparing weathers in different countries and also creating our own weather report.  




The children will be studying Seasonal Change with Mrs Evans.


Please ensure you are reading each evening with your child. Fill in the home reading book so we can change their book each day. 


Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Morris, Mrs Bentley and Mrs Mansfield.

Year 1 2016-2017


Welcome to the class page for the fabulous and amazing Year 1.

Please keep checking the page for updates from Miss Morris, Mrs Mansfield and Mrs Bentley.

Dear Parents/Carers,


Welcome back! We hope you have taken the opportunity to relax and unwind over the break.






We will be beginning the half term with Sparkle and Spells week in which the children will be looking at poetry linked with Halloween and Bonfire Night. They will create their own poem to then perform in our Celebration Assembly. We will also be reading a lovely story by Oliver Jeffers, Lost and Found. The children will be reading, performing and writing about this story. They will be discussing the different adventures, themes and thinking about how they can help the characters.





This term the children will focus on a mixture of number formation, counting and place value. It is important we have a strong number foundation in which we can build upon. They will also be beginning addition and subtraction, mainly number bonds to 10 and 20.




We will be continuing our explorers topic and looking at an individual who has gone on an adventure out of this world, Neil Armstrong! The children will also be visiting the World Museum to explore the different places and discussing the differences.





Ms Evans will be leading this terms topic as the children try to identify different plants in the world around us. They will explore the local Botanical Gardens. 




We will be focusing on Christianity and what Christians feel and think about God.



Please encourage your child to read every night.



Many Thanks,


Miss Morris, Mrs Mansfield and Mrs Bentley.



Year 1 homework activities for half term

Calendar Dates

  • There are no events for the next 10 weeks.