  • Year 1 98.2%
  • Year 2 95%
  • Year 3 98.2%
  • Year 4 97.3%
  • Year 5 98.2%
  • Year 6 96.5%
  • Class 7 94.5%
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Phoenix Primary School ‘Where We Rise to the Challenge’

Year 6

YEAR 6: 2015-2017

Summer 2- The Final Term


Dear Parents/Carers


Welcome to Summer 2, this promises to be a fun filled, exciting and an emotional end to your child's time at Phoenix. In this letter I will explain what we have planned for the forthcoming  term.


Romeo & Juliet 


As you will be aware we have started practising our end of year performance. The children will be practising their parts, singing, preparing the set and costumes. This will take a lot of effort and hard work from the whole class. Please visit the school website for the songs that your child will be singing and also help them to practise their lines. The performance will take place during the last week on Tuesday 18th July at 9:15am we hope you will be able to join us to celebrate the class' hard work. There will also be a leavers assembly on Thursday 20th at 9:00, and finally we will have our prize giving awards ceremony on Friday the 21st at 9:00am.


The fiver challenge


An exciting enterprise challenge will be taking place throughout the half term. In partnership with Year 3 children , your children will be given five whole English pound and create a scheme to create profit. We are excited to see how the children create their own mini business empires.


Thematic: Vikings


As you will be aware the children took their SATS tests last term. We focussed on Maths, English and Reading heavily. Which meant that we are now able to focus on our thematic work. We will focus on the Vikings and the impact they have on the United Kingdom.


Philosophy for Children


The children will be undergoing a number of philosophy for children investigations on some pertinent issues, especially those being raise by the current climate. 


Sex And Relationship Education 


The children will be undertaking sex and relationship education lessons, I will send a letter before these lessons asking for your permission and providing you with an opportunity to view to resources we will be using.




We have a number of trips planned and will provide letters with further details in the coming weeks. Including our attendance reward from the Summer 1 Term. Well Done Year 6!


Thank you for all your support throughout the course of this year.


Mr Gobey and Miss Evans


Bikeability Course

Selena Gomez - Only You (Lyric Video)

Selena Gomez "Only You" (13 Reasons Why Soundtrack) is available now: Follow Selena Gomez: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Music video by Selena Gomez performing Only You. (C) 2017 Interscope Records 'Only You' produced by Eskmo

End of SATS: Time to burn some energy


Messy Maps: Narnia

Maths Of The Day Challenges

SATS Letter and Timetable

Mathematical Vocabulary

Spring 1 Term

Dear Parents/Guardians


Welcome to Spring 1 term in year 6, I hope you have all had a great start to the New Year. In this letter I will include the curriculum content that your child will be studying during this half term. As your child's SATS tests are beginning to approach we are going to be hosting after school booster sessions on Tuesdays-Reading,Writing and SPAG Thursdays- Maths. You will be receiving a letter shortly which you can use to sign your child up for the booster sessions.






A quick recap unit focussing on 


Balanced and Unbalanced Arguments-


Stories with flash backs-




Ratios and Proportion 






SATS revision












Tag Rugby






Places of worship 


Hinduism and Christianity 


Why and how we worship




Designing Apps




Global learning


Access to clean drinking water


The effects of natural disasters




Please ensure that your child is reading every night , and please talk to them about the books they are reading. I have attached a document which provides guidance as to the types of questions you should be asking when reading with your child.

 Please approach the year 6 team with any questions.


Mr Gobey, Mrs Irwin and Miss Evans 


Christmas Dinner: Created, Purchased, Cooked and Eaten by Year 6

Global Learning: Distances to Hospitals around the world using Google Maps.

Active Maths: Factors, Multiples and Primes

Edgar Allan Poe's The Raven through time

Maths Challenge

Autumn 2


Dear Parents and Guardians,


Welcome to Autumn 2 in Year 6. The class have coped fantastically well with the challenges of Year 6 so far and have made great progress. We have thoroughly enjoyed studying the book 'A Monster Calls'.  The writing produced was of a very high standard and was incredibly emotive so we will be producing a class book to share this work with you during this half  term.  I will now share with you the objectives that the children will be covering during the next half term.





Biographies & Autobiographies


  • The class will study the story of Malala. The female rights activist from Pakistan, who took on the Taliban and won her battle for education.
  • The children will take on roles to write their own autobiographies.
  • They will take part in a 'My Hero' project about someone they look up to and see as a positive influence.


Action Stories


  • The class will study short action stories set in past, present and the future.
  • The children will create their own action story using our Talk For Writing strategies.




  • Multiples, Factors and Prime numbers
  • Fractions, decimals and percentages
  • Solving problems using the four operations.




  • Animals including humans.




  • The class will continue to study  'The History of Medicine'
  • Looking Ancient Greece and the foundations of modern medicine
  • A Global Learning perspective on issues regarding healthcare around the world.
  • The impact of the 'Great Plague'
  • Modern Medicine


Art & Design


  • Portraits linked to our English topics.




  • Carols 
  • Creating mood using GarageBand.




  • Learn how to create an information app.




  • Coaching sessions with LFC Coaches.
  • Focus: Hand eye co-ordination



As you are aware we have had a number of INSET days during the first half term to provide our children with new exciting ways to learn. These were called, Talk for Writing and Philosophy for Children. If you would like any further information please look at the websites below. We will be using these new styles of teaching to help support and extend your child's learning and development.


​Underneath this letter there are a number of good websites to use to extend your child's learning and consolidate last terms work.


Thanks again for your support. Please do not hesitate to approach the Year 6 staff with any queries.


Mr Gobey, Mrs Irwin and Mrs Evans

An example of the fantastic writing produced in Year 6, currently being inspired by A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness

Using water colours to create our interpretations of the fantastic illustrations in A Monster Calls

Our newest member of Year 6 Zaynab.

Matching settings and their abstract descriptions, using a game of corners in the hall.

A Monster Calls Trailer.

Check out the trailer below for the film version of our class novel. The children have seen it in class and can't wait to see the film at the end of our topic. 

A Monster Calls Official Trailer 1 (2016) - Felicity Jones Movie

Starring: Felicity Jones, Sigourney Weaver, Toby Kebbell A Monster Calls Official Trailer 1 (2016) - Felicity Jones Movie A boy seeks the help of a tree monster to cope with his single mom's terminal illness.

A summary of Autumn 1 in Year 6


Dear Parents/Carers,


Welcome to Year 6, your children are about to enter their final year of primary school and the end of their journey at Phoenix. As you are aware this year is very important year for your child as they will sit their SATS tests at the end of the year. These will give an indication to progress your child has made during their time at Phoenix. However, these tests do not determine, define or describe the abilities that your child has. They are all talented in so many ways. Please do not put your child under unnecessary pressure. As long as the children read every evening, complete homework when set and give 100% when in the classroom they will enjoy their year and succeed.


In the next part of this leaflet I will give a brief overview of what your child will be learning during this first half term.





Year 6 will start this term by studying Roahl Dahl's Danny Champion of the World. The children will read parts of the book and create their own stop animation videos with an audio description they have written. Also the children will write own recounts of the a key event in the story.


A Monster Calls


This half term out English will be based around the novel A Monster Calls. The children will study the characters write diary entries, fantasy stories, poetry, biographies and a short story based upon the main theme of the book. This novel is hugely moving and a fantastic read I advise you to get a copy

to read along with the class.




This term the children will be working on place value while also practising calculation methods for the four operations.  The class will then apply these to problems. We will be focussing on improving the class's times tables knowledge during the half term,  so please practise these at home.




A History of Medicine: providing a link to our English topic this term we will study the evolution of medicine focusing on key areas of study such as Ancient Greek Medicine, Medieval surgery,The Great Plague andMedical developments in the 19th and 20th century.


We also be using our whole school focus of global learning to look at access to medicine worldwide and the effect this has on the world and links to the Global Goals.




Animals including Humans.

Mrs Irwin will be leading science in Year 6 this year. The class will be able to:

Describe how living things are classified into broad groups according to common observable characteristics and based on similarities and differences, including micro- organisms, plants and animals 

Give reasons for classifying plants and animals based on specific characteristics. 





We will be examining faiths originating from Asia this term starting with a focus of on Sikhism.


Homework will be given on a Wednesday and be expected back the following Wednesday. 


Please encourage your child to read every night.


We will also be holding a Parent Open afternoon on Thursday 29th of September, we hope to see you all there to see  how and what  your child is learning at Phoenix.


Many Thanks,


Mr Gobey, Mrs Irwin and Miss Evans



"Be good and be happy!"frownno





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Y4, Y5 & Y6 perform 'Archibald's War'

Y6 'Take a journey with Professor Fluffy'

Y6 are skipping!


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"I preferred the book because I didn't want to see Bruno and Schmuel getting killed," said Darren.


Battle of the Somme Assembly!

Rounders in Y6