  • Year 1 98.2%
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Phoenix Primary School ‘Where We Rise to the Challenge’

Class 7

Maths of the day 23.6.17 how quickly can we work out our 2 and 3 times tables?

Maths of the day June2017.

Still image for this video

Maths of the day June 2017.

The incredible journey!

Welcome back to the second half of our Summer term. This term's theme is The incredible journey. We will be taking journeys through Liverpool, Europe and around the world. We will also be taking a journey though human life and into the future. It promises to be a fun and exciting term.

Egg babies!

Sean has saved 100 dojos to get a trip out to museum for the whole class. We had a great morning out, everyone had lots of fun!

Our theme this term is Inside out!

Welcome back to the first half of the summer term 2017. 
In Literacy we will be looking at poetry (Check out some examples below) why not try writing your own "I am" poem?

We will also be writing an information text about staying healthy.

In Maths we will be looking at fractions including finding fractions of different shapes and of numbers.

Check out the class newsletter for more information!

Welcome back to the first half of the Summer term, our theme for this half term is......

Inside out.

Class 7's Easter egg hunt.

This term's theme is......

Welcome back to the second half of the autumn term. This is always a fun term with pantomimes, Santas's grotto and Nativity plays. Before that we will celebrate Halloween, Diwali and Bonfire night with our sparkles and spells theme.

Look out for your class newsletter as it will tell you all about class 7's work and the questions we would like to find answers to.. We will be finding out how people in other countries celebrate Christmas and will be using our philosophy lessons to decide what good news is, why we celebrate and which celebration is our favourite!

Autumn 1 2016.

Planes, trains and automobiles.


Welcome back to the first part of the Autumn term 2016. We have many exciting activities planned for this half term including:

Building our own solar and bettery operated cars to

see which one will move the fastest.

Exploring materials to see

which will make the best boat.

Learning about the history of

transport and making a time line and

learning about the history of the railways.


If you have any ideas or activities that you think your child would like to do this term, please get in touch!



Five minute's peace.

Our class book for the next few weeks is "Five minutes peace" we will be re telling the story, thinking about some of the themes in the book then writing our own versions of the story. If you have a copy or can borrow a copy from the library please read it! it is a fantastic book and I'm sure everybody will really enjoy it.

Welcome back to the second half of the summer term, we hope that you have had a lovely half term break.

Our theme for this term is " simply the best" we will be looking at being the best we can be without letting any obstacles stand in our way. We will be looking at  the paraolympians as a large part of this theme!

Welcome back to the first half of the summer term 2016.

This  term's theme is "To infinity and beyond" and we will be learning all about the planets, space travel  and the way that satellites affect our everyday life.


We  also have our theatre trip to see The Gruffalo's child planned for 17th May and I know that we're all really looking forward to this. If you have not yet paid your £11 and are able to do so, please could you pass this to staff as soon as possible.

Thank you!

Parent's letter summer 1

Space themed fantasy books.

As part of our literacy we will be writing space themed fantasy stories. We would love it if you could send in your child's favourite space book, or even better come and volunteer to read it to us one day!

Our inside out people.

Welcome back to the second half of the Spring term. The theme for this term is "Inside Out". We will be looking at the functions of the human body, looking at our feelings and emotions, and how we can control them.

As part of a DT project, we will be building our own Inside Out figures, complete with emotions characters inside them. So, could you please send in any boxes, foils, tubes, milk cartons and yogurt pots that you can spare? Thank you.

Also, we have a class Email address which is: If you need to get in touch with me, this is a good way to do so as I answer my emails quickly.

Look out for the photos of Thursday, 3rd March's trip to the Slavery Exhibition to follow shortly.

Our science experiment about sound.

Spring 2016 parent's letter.

It is now the Spring term although it certainly doesn't feel like it at them moment!

This half term we will be using our technology skills to make films for our theme which is "Lights, camera, action"

The children are very excited about a joint PHSE/DT project using the Lego Movie ap. We aim to make lego films that tackle some of the difficulties involved with making and keeping friends, such as bullying, conflict resolution and using kind hands.

Please read our class newsletter and check out our photo gallery to see what we have been up to so far this term.

Welcome back to the second half of the autumn term 2015. We hope you had a lovely holiday.

Our theme this term is "let's party!" and we will be learning about all of the different types of celebrations that take place in this part of the year.

Check out some of our poetry!

On Tuesday 17th of November class 7 created Diwa pots using butter, lard and margarine. each candle had a different way of burning. before class 7 went home they compared all of the candles to see which was best. the margarine lasted the longest but the lard burnt brightest and the butter burnt for 2 seconds before stopping.


On Friday 20th of November class 7 had a school trip to Bell Vale. Once class 7 got there they walked around a B&M to do some number bonds to 7 for maths. once class 7 had finished their maths they were taken to a 99p store and were given £1 to spend on a toy. Once all of the kids had got their toys they went back to school to be taken home.

Staff in class 7:

Diane Mills (Class teacher)

Dianne Neeves (learning support assistant)

Donna Hewson (Learning support assistant)

Sarah Rhodes (1 to 1 support)

Jan Bently (1 to 1 support)

Autumn 1 2015

Welcome back to the Autumn term at Phoenix primary school.

Our theme for this half term is "In my Liverpool home, food" we will be exploring the local area and the produce that we can find. We will be visiting farms and digging up food at the allotment because we are exploring the origins of our food.

We will be cooking healthy meals and of course scouse has to be top of the list. In addition to this we will also be looking at the life cycles of bees and chickens so that we can understand more about the origin of our food.

In history we are exploring food across the generations and the changes that we have seen. We have already discovered that pizza and pasta which are staples nowadays, were much less popular when our parents were young. I wonder what we will find when we look at our grandparent's food.

We are currently looking at the history of the superlamb banana. We have discovered that it was created to remember Liverpool's main export (Welsh lamb) and import (bananas). On Thursday 24th Sept we will be looking around Liverpool to see how many examples we can find.

In Literacy we are looking at the hungry caterpillar. We currently have a competition going on for the most exciting reading or repitition of the story. Please help your child to practice their contribution by using sculptures, drawings, paintings, dance or actions.

Prizes will be given for creativity and for effort.

If your child is shy but still wants to participate then please ask us about using the Ipad to create a story video.


This term we will be using the class dojo website to reward and monitor class behaviour. We have already introduced it and the children are responding well.

We are extremely lucky to once again have football lessons with LFC and these will take place on Wednesday afternoons.



Summer term:

Welcome back to the strt of the summer term. This term's theme is Treasure island. We will be looking at pirates, singing sea shanties, creating treasure hunts and making our own modroc treasure island and a large wall mural.

Parent's newsletter.

Spring 2.

Welcome back for the second half of the spring term. 

This term's theme will be " the circle of life".


As part of this term's theme we will be studying:


Julia Donaldson texts including re writing one of her stories and non-chronological report writing where we will be finding out about African snails.


This term we are looking at shapes including 2D and 3D shapes, symmetry, rotation and patterns.


we will be writing an information booklet about animals and their young. This will include human beings.


We are looking at the life of Florence Nightingale and will be writing instruction leaflets as part of our hospital role play. "how to keep your hospital clean.


We will be looking at and attempting to re-create examples of African art including sculpture.

R.E :

We will be looking at bible stories and how they affect the lives of Christians.


spring 1 newsletter

These are the areas we will be studying this term.


Poetry really looking.



Measurement including time and money.

Geography: comparing Liverpool to Murwillumbah (New south Wales)

Science: Plants.

R.E scared books.

Art: using texture, shapes and shades to create pictures and models.

Computing: Simple programming and de bugging using the learn.code basic course.

P.E dance.

Music: Playing tuned and untuned instruments.


How can I help my child?

Here are a few suggestions of ways in which you can help your child to get the most out of his or her week at school.

1.  Get them to write a shopping list then take them shopping, let them pay, work out if they can afford items and if there will be any change left over.

2. Play board games such as snakes and ladders with them encourage them to relate this to addition and subtraction.

3. Bake with them. Get them to read the recipe out and weigh out the ingredients themselves.

4. Visit a local garden centre, choose a plant and take it home. Find out what conditions it needs to stay alive and to grow.

5. Read with them every night, not just story books. Poems, newspaper articles and information books will all be useful too.

6. Talk to them about what is happening both in their own world and in the world around them. Encourage them to express an opinion about events.


Staff in Class in September 2014:

Class teacher: Diane Mills.

Eve Evans

Dianne Neeves

Damian Mohan (1 to 1 support)

Callen Stead  ( 1 to 1 support)






"I like to play games to do with our topic of life cycles. I am also excited about the new role play area and all the fun we can have in the materity unit/" Levi, Class 7


"I am excited about the new African snails we have got in the classroom, They haven't hatched yet but we check everyday. I also really like the maternity ward that Mrs Evans has built" Owen, Class 7.


"I am really excited about the African snails we have in our classroom and watching them grow into bigger snails." Kamil, Class 7.


"I really like the new role play area and looking after the babies in their" Maisy, Class 7.


"I am looking forward to looking at lots of pictures of life cycles on the whiteboard. I also enjoy the role play area where we get to look after new babes and act as doctors." Simon, Class 7.


"I am excited about all the fun we are going to have with the circle of life. I like being a doctor in the new role play area also." Dean, Class 7.


"I can't wait to do lots of fun work, especially with the new African snails we have in class. They're little tiny eggs at the minute but their going to grow and be adults." Cole, Class 7. 


I have really enjoyed the squash and a squeeze story we have been reading by Julia Donaldson because they have lots of fun animals and the story is funny.  Lennon, Class 7.


"I like playing in the new role play room with my friends and acting as doctors. I am really excited about the baby snails we have in class and watching them grow." Jack, Class 7.


"I like the Gruffalo's child because all of the animals, my favourite animal is the 'tricky wiley fox." Rhys, Class7.


" I enjoy the work we have done in Maths (numicon) i like making shapes with the pieces, i also like the new role play area that Mrs Evans has done and playing with my friends." Lewis, Class 7. 







Classroom jobs:

All of the children in the class are allocated a weekly job such as class story teller, snack monitor or answering the phone. From Oct 14 an additional job will be making comments on our week on the class website. We hope that you enjoy the children's view of school life.

Week of  10th Nov

We were thinking of how to make a sentence that rhymes, I did good work. Lennon.

Roaring red and glorious gold,

We are getting cold,

Pop, zoom, fizz, whizz,

Exploding rainbows of stars,

booming like thunder

popping like bubbles.



We went on a trip to find material that would be good for building a house, we thought the bricks would be best. Daniel.


We have been learning about Divali, we learnt the story of Rama and Sita. Sita got kidnapped. Owen.

We played kick rounders in the playground. Simon.

Who am I?

I am happy as a dog,

I am as cool as an ice-cube,

I am fast as a jet,

I am as strong as the hulk,

I am brave like a grown man,

I am Joseph.


I'm happy as a horse. Rhys.

We learnt about similes 

I'm as happy as a dolphin. Owen.




16th March 2015 What have we been up to this week?

We've been talking about African snails, they have lovely shells. Maisy.

I dressed up as a pirate. Kamill.

We went out in the playground to see the moon go in front of the sun and that made it dark, Owen.

Mr. Houghton told us about the snails diet. Lennon.

We've been looking at patterns, the same shapes and the same colours repeated. Levi.

In football we learned all about agility, we had to dribble the ball. Daniel.

The Eclipse means no looking at the sun your eyes turn funny. It goes dark because the moon goes in front of the sun. Jack.

It was world book week I liked the poem "rumble in the jungle" in assembly. Simon.

I read my "squash and a squeeze" story, I changed the animals into a frog and a crocodile. I was happy to read in assembly, not scared. Cole.

We read a squash and a squeeze by Julia Donaldson. Lewis. 



This term we have been looking at pirate stories.

"I wrote a story called captain Joe and the secret sword.

  "the pirates go to a scary island and a evil pirate comes and fights them , in the end  a sea monster eats pirate Daniel"

Joseph Faraji

"my story  is about a sea monster called Baboon Banger, he attacks the pirates" Dean Conby

Also we are learning about how to write a letter, and what happens when you send it.

"I wrote to Owen , I had to make sure the address and a stamp was on it because if you don't do this the postman won't know who to give it to " Dean Conby









In maths we have been learning about fractions.


We have been learning about halves, quarters and thirds.

"I enjoyed dividing the pizza into half, then quarters and putting food equally on to each part" 

 Joseph Faraji

"Maths is a great subject to do, because I can get smart"

Dean Conby


Calendar Dates

  • There are no events for the next 10 weeks.