- Year 1 98.2%
- Year 2 95%
- Year 3 98.2%
- Year 4 97.3%
- Year 5 98.2%
- Year 6 96.5%
- Class 7 94.5%
Welcome to the Spring term 2019!
Our theme this term is travel around the world. We will be looking at Liverpool then comparing it to small areas around the world. We will ask ourselves what it would be like to travel to or live in the different continents of the world.
Tuesday 8th January 2019.
Today's P4C question was "should everybody be given a year off to travel the world?
Most people thought we should because it would help us to be less bored, open our eyes to new experiences, help us to learn, give us ideas about making our own country better and help us to make new friends.
A few people did say that nobody should be made to go if we don't want to and we should avoid places that are dangerous.
What do you think?
"I have the right to be safe and protected form harm" Charley.
"I have the right to eat healthy food and drink clean water" Lewis.
" I have the right to express my own opinion" Ruby.
" I have the right to a name" Emma.
" I have the right to live with my family" Nighaar.
Science in Class 7.
Hello to the parents and carers of children in class 7.
My name is Mrs. SueEvans and this year I've had the pleasure of teaching class 7 science a long with the great support staff in there.
Out topics for 2018-19.
Term 1. | Term 2. | |
Autumn. | Plants. | Plants. |
Spring. | Seasonal changes. | Everyday materials. |
Summer. | Living things including habitats. | Animals, including humans. |
Please look on the school's website for more information about science vocabulary and how to help your chils with science.