- Year 1 98.2%
- Year 2 95%
- Year 3 98.2%
- Year 4 97.3%
- Year 5 98.2%
- Year 6 96.5%
- Class 7 94.5%
Please ensure you are signed up to Class Dojo for regular updates about what your child is learning. Login details will be sent out in Autumn 1, however if you need these again, please let me know.
We complete daily English lessons through a fantastic 'Talk for Writing' and Text based approach. We also use Read Write Inc. to support your child's phonic decoding, blending and understanding. The following websites will support you child in developing their reading even further.
Some wonderful websites to support children's ideas:
www.bbc.co.uk › Schools Home
Top Marks (use the Learning Games tab to choose suitable activities)
Oxford Owl (a variety of English, reading and maths activities to explore)
All children will be given a login to Numbots which they can access both in school and at home. The login details will be given out in Autumn 1, however if you need them again throughout the year, please let me know.
NumBots | Motivational maths practice for schools and families.
Further to our daily maths lessons, we consolidate our learning and basic skills three times a week.
The above websites have a large selection of games which cover all areas of maths, I often use these activities to aid my teaching.
Maths Zone (a range of online games and activities to explore)
Maths is Fun (a range of online games and activities to explore)