  • Year 1 98.2%
  • Year 2 95%
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  • Year 4 97.3%
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  • Year 6 96.5%
  • Class 7 94.5%
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Phoenix Primary School ‘Where We Rise to the Challenge’


Welcome to the P4C page.

P4C stands for Philosophy for Children.

P4C discussions and activities can be used to enhance every subject by teaching children to ask and answer the bigger questions.

We ask questions starting with “why?” “What if?” “Should we?” “What would happen?” 
These help us to understand a subject better and not just settle for an easy answer.

Our big P4C question for the whole school in Summer 2 will be "why do things have to change?"

P4C Intent:

Philosophy for Children is an integral part of the teaching and learning approach at Phoenix Primary School. It promotes a forum for open dialogue in which participants are not content to exchange ideas and opinions as if they were bits of information, instead they ask questions, sift arguments and explore alternatives. Approaching our Curriculum in a philosophical way means looking beneath the surface, beyond the facts, to the questions and concepts that interest children and our teachers! (Research by the Education Endowment Foundation shows that SAPERE P4C improves outcomes in literacy and numeracy, particularly for children facing disadvantage. Research from the Nuffield Foundation further shows that SAPERE P4C improves communication skills, teamwork and resilience.)


P4C implementation:

P4C can be taught as a stand alone lesson, following all or most of the ten steps of enquiry. A P4C discussion has a stimulus such as a photograph, video or poem at the heart of it. These will be linked to a subject that we are studying in order to deepen our understanding and help us to not accept the easy answers.

Alternatively elements of P4C reflection can be included within a lesson.

We aim to cover all of the ten steps each half term at least once.

Children in KS2 would expect to participate in at least two full P4C sessions in each half term.


P4C Impact:

P4C is helping us to grow as learners. Our children show awareness in their work and subject knowledge that:

There are no easy answers.

There are two sides to every story.

Understanding a different point of view helps us to solve a problem.

By questioning and exploring our learning we are enabling it to become life long learning.

Our skills progression map is based on the four C words. As learners we aim to be caring,creative, critical and collaborative. You will see these four words displayed in every classroom.

The P4C provision map enables us to develop our philosophical thinking throughout our time in Phoenix.

We use a question quadrant to help us to understand what a Philosophical question is. Why don't you have a look at the questions and see how you would sort them?

P4C sample questions 

You will find P4C questions on every class page.
Check out some of the great questions that our children have asked recently:

If God is real why doesn’t he get in touch?


Why can’t we all live to be the same age?


What’s the point in having friends?


Which would be happier, a life without money or a life without love?


Does learning about History help you to think about the future?  

Why are all countries different?


Would it be better if everybody was the same?


Is it better to always be safe or always be happy?

Every P4C discussion starts with a stimulus. Look at some of the pictures we have used to start discussions in the past.

Each Philosophical enquiry has 10 steps to follow.

Can I do P4C at home?

These quick videos are a great way to make a start on your P4C journey. Why not watch one with your child and discuss your ideas?

Calendar Dates

  • There are no events for the next 10 weeks.