Liverpool Counts Quality Mark
During 2016-2017, Phoenix Primary School worked towards the 'Liverpool Counts' Numeracy for Life Quality Mark and we wanted EVERYONE in our school community to be involved: children, parents and carers, governors, teachers, LSA's, office staff, dinner ladies, cleaning and maintenance staff and visitors!
Our aim was to raise the profile of mathematics throughout the school and the wider school family!
The quality mark has been developed by Liverpool Learning Partnership and School Improvement Liverpool to promote positive attitudes to mathematics and numeracy as an essential life skill.
'The aim of the Quality mark is to tackle the negative attitudes in society towards numeracy and mathematics. We want to promote a culture where people understand the impact good numeracy skills and mathematics qualifications can have on the social, health and employment aspects of their lives. We also aim to support adults in schools to encourage pupils to make connections in their lessons to real life contexts and with other areas of their school experiences.'
Liverpool Learning Partnership & School Improvement Liverpool 2016
Top tips for parents and families:
Be positive about maths. Don’t say things like, “I can’t do maths” or “I hated maths at school”; your child might start to think like that themselves.
Point out the maths in everyday life. Include your child in activities involving maths such as using money, cooking and travelling.
Praise your child for effort rather than talent – this shows them that by working hard they can always improve.
We wanted parents and carers, to share how they use maths in their everyday lives. Some parents came into our school to talk with the children and their teachers about how they use maths in their job or hobby - we wanted our children to make strong links between maths and real life situations.
The National Numeracy Challenge in Liverpool-
Mike Ellicock, Chief Executive of the National Numeracy Challenge has stressed the importance of challenging anyone who says, ‘I can’t do maths’ with ‘Yes, you can’. Liverpool is launching the Challenge city wide and everyone can get involved – follow this link to learn more.
How to get involved-
Try the above challenge! Never say, ‘I can’t do maths’. Look for what maths you have used each day; time, recipes, football data!
Tweet us @mrsirwinmaths with the maths you have used. #HowIUsedMathsToday.