  • Year 1 98.2%
  • Year 2 95%
  • Year 3 98.2%
  • Year 4 97.3%
  • Year 5 98.2%
  • Year 6 96.5%
  • Class 7 94.5%
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Phoenix Primary School ‘Where We Rise to the Challenge’

English & Literacy

This half term the whole school focus is 'Narnia'.

Every class has read a version of the story, become familiar with the characters and the setting and on Thursday 16th February everyone from Reception to Year 6 visited St George's Hall for 'the Narnia Experience'. It was a great trip and really helped bring the story to life for the children. This half term every class is using this book as a stimulus for writing or for work linked to their theme. Keep checking this page for examples of some of the work being produced.


Assembly from 'Another Place'. We enjoyed a visit to school on Friday 17th March from the theatre group who performed Narnia at St George's Hall. The children were delighted to see Mrs Beaver, Mr Tumnus and some of the other characters. They enjoyed exploring our Narnia area in school and stopped for tea in Mr Tumnus' house. Thank you to everyone involved.

8th March 2017 - Author Stuart Reid visited and told us about his books and how he became an author. He was great fun, made us laugh and really got everyone engaged. We all know that 'Reading Rocks'!!!!

Book Week at Phoenix. The children enjoyed a range of activities including visits from 'West End theatre group' who performed a play and author Stuart Reid who did whole school assembly followed by workshops with children from Year 2-6

Talk 4 writing. We are using talk 4 writing approaches to support the development of reading and writing skills across school. The children learn stories and use maps and actions to support their retelling. The familiarity of stories and their structures then supports the children to innovate and independently apply their skills to write their own stories. Look at some of our maps.

Narnia at Phoenix. To support our work on Narnia, we have created some of the settings from the book in school. The children can visit Mr Tumnus in his house for tea, explore the White Witches sleigh and enter through the fur coats into Narnia. Children have been using these areas to retell the story, as a stimulus for writing and to describe settings.

Reception and Year 1 had great fun at St George's Hall

Calendar Dates

  • There are no events for the next 10 weeks.