  • Year 1 98.2%
  • Year 2 95%
  • Year 3 98.2%
  • Year 4 97.3%
  • Year 5 98.2%
  • Year 6 96.5%
  • Class 7 94.5%
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Phoenix Primary School ‘Where We Rise to the Challenge’

Class 7

If your child is starting in Phoenix enhanced provision in September please have a look at our transition booklet.

Distance learning:

Daily activities are being put on the Class Dojo website. Activities completed will be responded to within 24 hours.

if you would like a home learning pack to be sent out to you in addition to this, please phone the school or contact us on Class Dojo and we will happily arrange that.

Our theme for this half term will be the Ancient Egyptians.

Welcome back to the second part of the Spring term 2020. We hope that you had a restful half term holiday and are excited for the term ahead.

this term we will be looking at the Ancient Egyptians. We will be studying aspects of their culture and understanding how this impacted on the rest of the world.


P4C question:

”Will understanding other cultures always make our own culture better?”

Spring 1 2020

welcome back, we hope that you had a lovely Christmas and are looking forward to the term ahead. 

This term our theme will be:


”How difficult we’re the Bronze Age and Iron Age?”


We will be looking at historical developments and the way in which innovations continue to affect our lives today. 

Some of our theme power words for this term are:


Ard, torc, roundhouse, barrow mound, hoard, tribe and artefact.


How many of these do you know?

Did you know that soap was invented in the Bronze Age?

P4C question for the half term.


” Which is better, to be able to do a little bit of everything or to be able to do one thing brilliantly?”

Autumn 2

welcome back to the second half of the Autumn term 2019!

we hope that by now your child feels settled at Phoenix and is enjoying being in class 7.

our theme for this half term is The Stone Age.

below is some vocabulary that we hope the children will be able to use by the end of the term.

Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic,

archaeologist, nomadic, domesticated,

flint, flint knapping and Neanderthal.


Welcome to the Autumn term 2019 in class 7.

We hope that you have had a relaxing summer holiday and are ready for the exciting term ahead.

This term we will be starting with a bang as our theme is "Shake, rattle and roll" and we will be investigating and making volcanoes. This will lead to a workshop in the last week of the half term where we will compete with year 3 to see which class can make the best volcanic eruption.


We hope that your child will feel settled and happy in class 7, our aim is to treat every child as an individual. We will help them to fulfil their potential and face any barriers to learning together. If your child is struggling with any aspect of school or if you have any questions or comments then please do not hesitate to get in touch. Contact details can be found in the contacts section of the website.

As you may know, class 7 is currently in a temporary classroom whilst we wait for building work to be completed. This building work will give us a fantastic new space for the resourced provision to use so it is well worth the wait.

During this time Mr. Godfrey will be working with us for Literacy, Maths and some computing sessions. 

Mr. Godfrey will take out a group each morning for literacy and another group for Maths. This will mean that there will be a smaller group working in the temporary classroom at any one time which will help us to ensure that the classroom is as quiet and calm as possible. It also allows us to give focused support to small groups of children.


Calendar Dates

  • There are no events for the next 10 weeks.