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Phoenix Primary School ‘Where We Rise to the Challenge’

Refugee Week

Refugee Week 

Monday 19th June - Friday 23rd June


The Theme of the week is 'Different Pasts, Shared future'



We had an assembly called Far From Home to introduce Refugee Week.

We discussed reasons why some families have to leave their homes and how they might feel.

We talked about things that the children may worry about when they start a new school in a new country and how we could help them.




Below is a copy of our assembly if you would like to have a look.

Each class has taken a specific story book to read, discuss and produce written and creative work. The books we chose to use are shown below.


Mr. Kitunda


Alfonso's Dad Mr. Kitunda came into school to talk to Year 5 and Year 6 about his home country. He comes from Gambia and he told us about when he came to this country and went to Bolton first and then Liverpool.  He told us that his country was at war and they were fighting and it was becoming to difficult to live there.  Him and his family were in danger.


Mr. Kitunda said that in this country he feels safe.


Mr. Kitunda volunteers at Asylum Link to help other families.


The children asked Mr. Kitunda lots of questions


The children said:


" Children in Africa have to behave or they get hurt." - Alfonso


"Children would be terrified to have to move to a new country." - Leighton


"You might not know anybody and feel scared." - Judy

Raja, Hida, Azzam and Yusef were very pleased to represent Phoenix at the School of Sanctuary Celebration Garden Party held at St. Margarets CofE Primary School in Anfield.



The children were invited to read the poems they had written about their journey to Liverpool and how they felt.


Hida was even interviewed for Made in Liverpool TV


We listened to poetry from Levi Tafari and he listened to us read our own poems about  our journey.


Each class has been working with Mrs Bentley to create figures dressed in National Costume. When finished they will be displayed in the school hall. Look out for them.

Class 7 have been reading The Colour of Home.  They told the story using pictures.

Our Refugee Assembly on Friday gave us opportunity to share all our work with other children and parents. We also sang our song of the week 'One World to Share'

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