- Year 1 98.2%
- Year 2 95%
- Year 3 98.2%
- Year 4 97.3%
- Year 5 98.2%
- Year 6 96.5%
- Class 7 94.5%
Dear Parents and Carers,
In Year 3, we have a very busy and exciting year planned, filled with some brilliant topics.
In English, we started our term by looking at Esio Trot to celebrate Roald Dahl’s 100th Birthday. We are also looking at stories with a familiar setting, looking at the world around us to find stories wherever we go and reports. We will looking at using reports to keep up to date with everything that’s going on in the world.
We are looking at place value and multiples, as well as looking at addition and subtraction using the column method. We will also be focusing on times tables with an emphasis on 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8 times tables.
This term we are looking at the stone age through to the Iron age and everything in between. We will be looking at how animals, lifestyles, food and many other things changed over the year and comparing it to how we live in modern society.
This term in science we are looking at rocks and soils with an emphasis on fossils to link with our thematic. We will also be looking at plans, how to look after them and how plants look after themselves to survive.
This term we are building a computer and learning what all of the different parts do for our classroom, as well as learning how the network, within the school, works.
We are learning all about Rock ‘n’ Roll music looking at different instruments and performers through the years. We are also learning how to play the ukulele to hopefully learn some rock ‘n’ roll songs by the end of term.
Mrs Evans will be teaching RE this term and we will be looking at stories from different religions and why these stories are important to different faiths and then we will be looking at the Nativity story in the lead up to Christmas.
Homework will be given out on a Friday to be completed by the following Wednesday so please encourage your child to complete this as well as reading, which should be done for 10 minutes every evening.
We are, also, very lucky to have Mrs Wright join us for our first half term to help us all out around the class.
If you have any questions, about the year or how your child is getting on, then please do contact me.
Yours Sincerely
Mr Kidd and Mrs Evans
Spring 2
We have been looking at Ancient Egypt over the past half term and will continue to do so over the next half term as well. We have been exploring how the Ancient Egyptians lived, how they died and how our lives compare to theirs.
We have learned how mummification worked by mummifying one of the children. We had to prepare the organs, clean and dry the body and wrap it up all in the space of one afternoon. It was quite hard but we managed it.
Maths Party
As part of our maths party, we had a competition to see who could build the best building using sweets and cocktail sticks. We then tested them on a tray of jelly to see if they could survive. We managed to use our brilliant maths knowledge of shape to find the best shapes to build from and had some great designs. Some are shown below.
Summer 1
Over the first half of our summer term we will be looking at Information texts and poetry in English. We will be using all of the great information from out topics over the year to write some amazing information texts with a special focus on out current thematic topic of the Ancient Egyptians. Our focus in poetry is language play so we will be creating lots of riddles.
In Maths, we are looking at how we handle and represent data in a range of graphs and charts. This will link well with our computing topics where we will be looking at how to find out information using a survey so the children will be bringing home a survey which we would appreciate if you could have a go and complete for us in later weeks.
In Science, we are looking at Forces and Magnets, so try and spot any forces and magnets at work around your house. We will be looking at how friction affects us and why magnets are so important.
In Thematic we will continue to study the Ancient Egyptians and learn all about a special mummy called Takabuti. If you don't know what is strange about her, then feel free to ask the children. We will be trying to solve many mysteries that are still around from Ancient Egyptian times.
As always, if you have anything you would like to talk about then do not be afraid to contact myself or Mrs Evans and we will happily do our best to answer any questions.
Best Wishes,
Mr Kidd and Mrs Evans